Wednesday May 17, 2017
#3_Go for the Gift with Dianne m. Connelly
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Dianne m. Connelly, Author of Medicine Words: Language of Love for the Treatment Room of Life intends that, in her presence, we will all know ourselves as a loving, glorious, hot-shit possibility. And that's without us lifting a finger. The map is definitely not the territory in this deep dive of a conversation with Dianne, co founder of the Tai Sophia Institute, and an acupuncturist for almost 50 years who reminds us how to "Leap into the unknown and make it our home."
Go to “www.Packingforcrazytown.com” for more about Dianne and the podcast.
Sunday Apr 30, 2017
#2_The Shaman's Tech Support_with Shonagh Home
Sunday Apr 30, 2017
Sunday Apr 30, 2017
If you don't have a Shaman on speed dial, episode 2 of Packing for Crazy Town is for you.
I met up with Shonagh Home, Shamanic Therapist, Author, and Poet at her home in the Wilds of Suburban Seattle. A friend for a decade, Shonagh has talked me off many a ledge and pulled me out of a few holes, and in return, I do things she finds mysterious: connecting printers to WIFI, editing audio files...thus the title of this podcast. Ours is a friendship that works. And, as a "Medicine Wheel" student of hers for two years some years back, she also taught me how to find people's totem animals, and do soul retrieval, so there's that:)
This podcast starts out with a conversation about the benefits of bee venom therapy (the beauty secret you're in denial about,) and moves into the power of intention, affirmation, healing original wounds, words as wands, keeping your eye on the prize and staying out of the national crazy, healing the gut with ancestral foods, and staying close to the divine, and skipping the NY Times and TV in favor of Ancient Wisdom. We work through dark nights of the soul, shadow selves, the awesomeness of mid-life face slaps, and how to stay on your feet in whackadoodle times. Along the way, she recites two poems from her recent collection of channeled works ‘Poetic Whispers from the Green Realms,’ which all flowed out of her in one take, straight up rhyming. And finally, because looking good while getting our go-bag for crazy town ready is not nothing, I say: Shonagh, as exhausting as it will be to hear your daily regimen: let’s have it, sister.
One thing that attracts me to people, is a fascinating life arc, and in that regard Shonagh is no exception. The short version is "Wall Street Wife to Martha Stewart on Mushrooms." My personal favorite of her five books is: ‘Ix Chel Wisdom: 7 Teachings from the Mayan Sacred Feminine,’ a bite-sized (you can read it on a two hour flight ) chronicle of her transformation that occurred through her work with a Mayan priest and shaman. She is voracious researcher and prolific writer with a fearless social media presence, not to mention a fantastic Mother to two of my favorite girls, and an effortless gourmet cook, with an ironclad adherence to only the freshest, most organic ingredients brimming with cell-plumping probiotics. And she uses fuck as a modifier more than you might think, which I find endearing.
More about Shonagh:
Her specialized private sessions and retreats are probing and revelatory, assisting clients to break chronic, self-defeating patterns, and move into empowered personal sovereignty. Shonagh is an international public speaker on the subject of visionary shamanic-spirit medicine, a voice for stewardship of the honeybees, and a teacher on the subject of Traditional Foods. She is author of the books, ‘Ix Chel Wisdom: 7 Teachings from the Mayan Sacred Feminine,’ ‘Love and Spirit Medicine,’ ‘Poetic Whispers from the Green Realms,’ and ‘Honeybee Wisdom: A Modern Melissa Speaks.’
You can find out more about Shonagh here:www.shonaghhome.com
And show notes for this at https://packingforcrazytown.com/
Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
"I hold the human privilege of wording the world as a sacred honor, and so it is not okay to say just any old thing about being." Dianne m. Connelly, Medicine Words.
For the first Packing for Crazy Town podcast, I knew I had to track down Dianne m. Connelly, author of Medicine Words: Language of love for the treatment room of life, to begin a conversation BIG ENOUGH for all of us to turn around in." She applied a pumpkin enzyme peel of ancient chinese energetics to the way I look at how I am in the world, and took 20 years off of my speaking. I predict she'll be the wake-up culture's new go to voice of possibility before long.
Dianne doesn't walk her talk, she embodies it. She and I laughed our way through being beginners at this podding thing...She got me to Donald Trump as holy aspect of the Great Oneness...and reminded me why she was one of the most influential teachers I've ever had. She quotes RUMI "Be a lamp, be a ladder, be a life boat. Waking up to the gift that it is to be here at all...Life is serious, and it's not a given that we will continue to be here, and none of us is getting out alive so, what am I giving my life for between now and when we're not here anymore.
A note about the Audio Quality of Ep 1. Once you hear Dianne you'll understand why tying her to a computer and to Skype was not an option, so this was recorded via What's App. Creation is messy, and being transparent about that gives me a lot of pleasure for some reason.
"Can I, will I, allow you to be just exactly as you are? In my every interaction, my every conversation, will I practice opening to you as phenomenon, as Divine showing, or will I draw conclusions, tell stories, make commentaries too small to let you show as “a radiance, a shining?" From Medicine Words.
About Dianne: "Dianne M. Connelly, PhD, MaC (UK), co-founder and chancellor of Tai Sophia Institute, an accredited graduate school in the fields of health and wellness, holds a doctorate in the philosophy of medicine. She taught in the Institute’s Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, and Transformative Leadership and Social Change master’s degree programs. A practitioner of acupuncture since 1973, she is the author of Traditional Acupuncture: The Law of the Five Elements, All Sickness Is Homesickness, and co-author of Alive and Awake: Wisdom for Kids, and Medicine Words: Language of Love for the Treatment Room of Life.
buy Medicine Words: Connelly https://www.amazon.com/Medicine-Words-Dianne-Connelly-ebook/dp/B0082RGA3Y/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1490061016&sr=8-2&keywords=medicine+words
By the end, you might - as I do - believe that we can language our way to something better than we can even imagine.
Practice Radical Vulnerability.
(I'm still figuring out the whole hosting thing, but you can reach me at heysarah@packingforcrazytown.com and see other stuff at packingforcrazytown.com)